Thursday 14 December 2017

Social marketing case study

Governments of many developed countries are faced with the increasing rates of mental health problems. Research by Murray and Lopez (1996) has found that mental health problems could increase the global disease burden share by roughly half, from a current 10. 5% share burden to a projected 15% share burden by 2020. The outcome of mental health problems and diseases can be implicated with specific personal, social and economic costs (WHO, 2004).

Organizational culture

Organizational culture has taken a significant importance in the management of every type of business. By analyzing and understanding the culture of a company we can determine how it performs. Culture refers to an organization's values, beliefs, and behaviors. Firms with strong cultures achieve higher results because employees sustain focus both on what to do and how to do it. Southwest Airlines, created thirty years ago, has gone through important organizational changes, which revolutionized today's business practices and structures.